How About Those Fireflies!
by Frances Hughes
This thought just came flitting into my head as I sit here musing on what to write. The firefly is only seen with prominence at
nighttime. As a child I was fascinated by watching them and like most kids trying to catch them in a bottle. I wouldn't keep them very long since their light only shows at night.
Suppose we, as Christians, who have Christ shining in our heart all the time, only let it shine out at night. What would happen to the
daytime? Would our witness be void and empty? According to this reasoning it would. Would this be what God chose for us to do, only to let His light shine at night? I think not. So what should we do?
Consider this: Speaking in a spiritual sense, is not the world without Him known as being in darkness? In reality we know that a 24 hour day is light half the time and dark the other half, this being
known as day and night. This darkness is known as piritual darkness not the darkness in reality.
When Adam & Eve were created in the the image of God were they not known to be in the state of perfection, since God is perfect? The day Eve fell for the lies of satan was when sin came into the world and the human race was tainted. So up until the time that God sent His Son Jesus into the world, there was no way we (The Human Race) could please Him and be acceptable in His sight. He hates SIN. It makes no difference whether it is large or small. To God it is SIN. Anything that displeases Him cannot be forgiven except thru the
blood of His Son Jesus.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal Life."
John 3:16 (NIV)
Upon the creation of Adam, the human race began and soon Adam had an helpmate named Eve. She was created from one of Adam's ribs while he was sleeping and God brought her to him.
"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Gen. 2:7 (KJV)
*In reference from a book by Hal Lindsey titled "The Liberation of Planet Earth" I shall use his enlightenment to help us understand the following.
He makes note that in the New American Standard Bible the word life is given a plural form. The Hebrew word translated "life" in most
English versions should have been translated "lives" because it is a plural word in the Hebrew Bible. All through the Bible two kinds of life are spoken of in relation to man, the soulish and spiritual life. Physical life and soulish life are one and the same.
Mankind consists of "The Body, The Soul, and The Spirit.",
The Body is the material part of a man, the physical life enabling him to function in and relate to the world around him.
The Sou