

written by: Jay Driskell

One cannot prove GOD. One can only experience GOD.

The noise that permeates everywhere and every place so endlessly prevents one from experiencing GOD. GOD is readily found in the quiet times, in quiet meditation and prayer, in the Silence.

Many people who think they reject GOD do so only because they do not realize that they have experienced GOD at times when they least expect it. The "good feeling" one finds in quiet contemplation is part of experiencing GOD.

The god of your youth is usually just that - the god of your youth, and nothing more. On rare occasions this may be elevated to the 'God of our youth'. As young people, we do so enjoy the racket and noise of exuberance. There is nothing quiet about youth unless a determined effort is made for a quiet time.

As we grow older, there are yearnings that demand a quiet time, and this is the time we can experience GOD. A person who is disgusted with the god of youth, will often find special times and places to be alone in quiet contemplation. Whether it be on the banks of the McKenzie or overlooking the Rift Valley or in the quietness of your own den, the time can be there for meeting GOD as He is.

Experiencing GOD is as natural as breathing once the god of your youth is put aside. It is something that will occur naturally if this is your desire.

Experiencing GOD is easy. Proving GOD cannot be done - don't even try.

However, there are a noisy few that will make every attempt to "prove God" through a variety of loud noises, name calling, scripture quoting, insults, ignoring you, plus other unpleasantries too numerous to be mentioned here. Such people have not found GOD.

It doesn't work.

Experiencing GOD truly is easy. Proving GOD cannot be done.


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