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A Word To The Wise written by: Hart Dowd A WORD TO THE WISE
Writing is about WORDS
Sometimes Words are inadequate.
Sometimes they are misleading.
Sometimes WORDS cause misunderstanding.
Sometimes they cause hurt.
Matthew 12:35-37: A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things” and an evil man out of evil treasure bringeth forth evil things...But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. (judged)(KJV)
Matthew 12:34 (NIV)...For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.
We live in a country where one of our FREEDOMS is Freedom of Speech. “Freedom of Speech?” you say. “Doesn’t that mean I can write what I want?” YES! And NO! It gives us the RIGHT to WRITE what we want. But if we look the word RIGHT up in the dictionary, we will fine (for this particular meaning) that RIGHT means: “fitting, appropriate, suitable.”
What we say, and how we say it, is important. That is true of the spoken word, but it is even more true of the written word. Spoken words are soon forgotten, but the words we write down for public reading are permanent. Even a retraction of words written maliciously does not erase them from the memory of the person to whom they caused hurt, nor from the document on which they were written. As writers we must be carful that our words are not offensive to anyone.
If an impulse comes to say
Some unthoughtful word today
That may drive a friend away,
Don’t you write it!
If you’ve heard a word of blame
Cast upon your neighbor’s name
That may injure his fair fame,
Do not pen it!
If malicious gossip’s tongue
Some vile slander may have flung
On the head of old or young,
You refute it!
Thoughtful, kind, and helpful words,
Is a rule we should observe.
Just rebut an unkind slur.
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