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My Desperate Cry! written by: Helen Dowd My Desperate Cry!
Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens. Lamentations 3:41.
I stretch forth my hands unto thee: my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land. Psalm 143:6
I love the picture these verses portray. I can see a helpless baby crying out for his mother to pick him up. His cries are desperate. His arms are flailing, reaching out. He thinks he has been abandoned. It may be only a matter of minutes that he has been calling out, but to him it seems like forever. He feels helpless. He can do nothing on his own. All his trust must be in the one whom he knows can help. It is the same way with my blind cat, “Baby”. She is totally dependent on me. When she cannot find me, she cries pathetically, until I come to her rescue. Or if I am close, she will often reach out with her paw, for me to pick her up and give her attention. And of course she knows I will be there for her.
How much more-so will God reach down and grasp our outstretched hands, and lift us up, and feed our dry and thirsty soul with the Water of Life.
Lamentations 3:
Sometimes I feel so shriveled up, my soul as dry as dust.
My heart is like an empty cup which has from God been thrust.
The Lord has banished me from sight. He’s hedged me all about.
I’m in a pit, as black as night, He does not hear me shout.
I search my heart to see what’s wrong: is there some hidden sin?
No answer seems to come along--just nothing from within.
“Where is Your Peace, Oh God?” I sigh. “Why have You fled away?
Why don’t I feel Your presence nigh, deep in my heart today?”
My strength has melted from within. In misery I grope:
When I recall my former sin, then gone is any hope!
But then the truth comes to my mind: My God’s a God of GRACE.
If He were not, then I would find eternal doom I’d face.
For long, God will not turn away. HIS FAITHFULNESS IS GREAT.
With hope, I’ll search for Him each day: He comes to those who wait.
I’ve called upon Your name, Oh Lord. I know You’ve heard my voice.
You said, “Fear not!”...I’ll trust Your Word. AND NOW I SHALL REJOICE!
Be assured: If we stretch forth our hands to God, He will be there to pick us up. Would you leave your baby crying? Of course not! Not any more than I would leave my little blind cat helplessly looking for my attentio
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