"silence is golden but these are the words that the world needs to here,terms of compassion will cause a reaction as love draws us near,but still we choose to hide behind the face of pride pretending we are blind to the calling,there is a world in need with hungry souls to feed and again interceed ,why are we stalling,say the words,say i love you"-dc talk
you know the words we use are an important thing,we say thousands of words a day,but do we really think them through before we say them? now the bible talks about how dangerous they can be in the book of james,it evern calls our tounges a fire. someone can be on the edge on the verge of tears anger,or insanity,and one wrong word can push them over. Have you ever just been having a really bad day and somone said somthing that made you snap. our words are a gift,and like all other things in our lives, to be used for the glory of God.As christians the basic commandment is to love.and our words should be able to show this as well,even if were not cursing,or being nasty, if the words coming from our mouth,are negative hurtful and mean,it can do terrible dammage, to our witness and the person hearing them. our words can either heal or hurt,plain and simple,bring someone closer to christ ,or farther away,wether its being friendly or giving an answer with an arrogant attitude.Our words can have a major impact. im not saying dont call sin when you see it,or not speak the truth on something,but i am saying in all you do,speak love and let Christ be glorified through your words,also make a point to use your words for Good,of course your supposed to tell others about christ,you know this man.but also make sure you use them just to edify others,if you see someone unhappy,talk to them,if you see someone that needs love give them some,let your words be a ministry of kindess. it may seem small but it can do a world of good.
"a single kind word will keep you warm for years."-a fortune cookie from my dinner today
ephesians 5:4 "Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving."
"God doesnt want us to spread stories that can hurt he wants us to spread nice words" -veggietales
"go into all the world and preach the gospel of Christ,and if nescessary use words"-st.francis of assissi
in Christ
word to the father :)