Hey!! I’m way over here.
I’m waving to you, can’t you see me?? I have a penny here.
Look harder! Yeah, that’s me down at the end of the road.
I’m holding a penny. Can you see it?
No? I’ll move closer.
Is a half mile better? Can you see me better? Can you see my penny?
Closer still, huh?
You should be able to see my penny real good. I am only a block away.
What do you mean, it’s hard to see? I see it just fine.
O K, I’ll come to the edge of your yard. That should make it easy to see my penny.
You see it. Good. Does it look big?
Here, I’ll hold it at arm’s length. You see it real fine?
Yeah? So it’s not big, huh? Can you see around it?
It doesn’t look so big, kinda little, is that what you are telling me?
So I’m gonna hold it six inches away. Does that make it look big?
Looks bigger, huh? Can you still see around it??
Almost the entire world is visible, right?
Let’s try this. I’m gonna push it right in your eye and we will see just how much you can
see then.
Whaddya mean, you can see nothing? It’s still the same penny I had all along.
So it’s too close? Why is that?
It’s no bigger than it was when I held it way down at the end of the road.