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Were You There? written by: Helen Dowd Were You There?
Even though it was two thousand years ago that Jesus suffered the agonies of that last night before His crucifiction, and then the crucifiction itself, I was there, and so were you. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world, past, present and future. Those who reject Christ's salvation are among the ones who spit upon Him, scourged Him, mocked Him. Those who reject Christ today are just as guilty of driving the nails into His hands as the soldiers who actually did it.
Had I been with Christ in Gethsemane
when He sweat drops of blood while in prayer,
if He'd asked me to pray for one hour,
would I have held vigil while there?
Had I been with Christ on that evening,
when I realized that danger was near,
would I have stood up for my Master,
enough to cut off someone's ear?
Had I been among the disciples
on that evening so dark, and so dim,
when they led Christ away to the courtroom,
would I have run off and left Him?
Had I followed the crowd to the trial,
would I have looked on, not too near?
If someone had cried, "She was with Him!"
Would I have denied Christ, through fear?
Had I watched from afar when they mocked Him,
when the mob hollered, "Crucify Him!
Release to us Killer-Barabas."
Would I have stood up for Him then?
Had I been with the crowd on that morning,
when Christ climbed to Golgotha's hill,
would I have been one of the women
who wept, but were following still?
I've thought about all of these questions.
I've pondered them time and again.
And yes! I am sure of the answer.
I'm here now: I was also there then.
I was there at the Cross with Christ Jesus.
I watched as He suffered alone.
I knew that for me He was dying.
For my sins He had to atone.
I cried, "Oh Savior, have mercy.
I am sorry for all I have done."
He smiled and said, "Child, you're forgiven.
Over sin, the VICTORY is won."
I was there when He cried, "It is finished!"
I was there too, at His empty tomb.
I was there when He sent down His Spirit.
Now I'm here, waiting Christ's soon return.
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