
Don't Walk in Solomon's Footsteps

written by: Matt Jenkins

The Curse of Solomon The Lord is about to pour out a new and fresh anointing on his church. He is about to unveil things that no eye has seen. The end time church is going to be a glorious thing. A powerful church with a powerful anointing is going to be necessary to save a world that is so far lost. As the seconds tick down on God’s clock, and the time draws closer for him to start this revival, he is urging us not to make the mistakes that those in the past have made. With the Lord on his side Solomon had built a wonderful temple for the Lord. This temple was a beautiful thing. It was made of the finest woods and the most precious metals. Everything in the temple was perfect. Solomon spent many years perfecting the temple until finally it was completed. Solomon had prayed and the Lord had heard him. The Lord appeared to him and made a deal. If Solomon would walk before the Lord with integrity and righteousness as his father had done, the Lord would give him a kingdom that would never fall. But if Solomon failed to do this and turned to other gods, He would cut off the deal. Everything seemed to be perfect. Solomon had a beautiful place in which to worship the Lord. He also had a covenant with the Lord and was promised an everlasting kingdom. But despite all of the material things he had and the promises he had received from God, he began to disobey God’s commands. So, like He had said the Lord told Solomon that his kingdom would be torn away from him. We are about to be in the same predicament that Solomon was in. God is going to come to us and he will fill our temples like he never has before. For so long he has tried to prepare us for the moment when it is going to happen. He has been waiting patiently for us to mature. Now, the time is nearing and he is going to pour out this anointing whether we are ready or not. He is going to separate the wheat from the chaff. He has already purified us to some degree, but this next move will truly rid his church of those who are not willing to move on. They will no longer be able to sit in the church week after week unmoved. The power will be so strong that there will be none that hang in between. They will either choose to jump in the river and flow with the move of God, or they will flow right out the door. Church is not going to be just a religious thing any more. No longer will it simply be a thing that you do on a Sunday morning. God is willing to fill those who are seeking after his own heart. He is going to reward those who have sought after him. Those who have been laboring for years. The ones who have been fighting the battle so long. The days are nearing completion that they should be delivered. Those battles they have been fighting and seem to have made no progress. The labor is nearing an end and it is almost time for the excitement of seeing the reward. The moment when the child is born. The promise is now full term and ready to be delivered. A

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