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companionship written by: Hector "where you Go, i will go,where you stay i will stay, your people will be my people and your God, my God.Where you die i will die, and there will i be buried,and may the lord deal with me be it ever so severyley if anything but death seperates you and me." ruth 1:16-17
for 3 solid years jesus spent time in commited relationships to his disciples,christ really took time to develop who they were in him,teach them,strengthen them,and make them grow, he deiscipled them,kinda could guess that from the name huh ? :) but christ developed a strong friendship with them, alot of what he did was traingin for them.but there had to be times Christ needed them to be there for him.to encourage him to re afirm that he should continue with his mission ahead no matter how painful it looks,He needed his friends to help him continue, we all know it wasnt easy for christ,he knew what he was gonna have to do,and if there was a way out of it,and they encouraged him. i have this image in my head of christ sitting by the fire thinking of whats coming,his disciples all asleep, the sun just beginning to rise,and peter wakes up crusty eyes morning breath,yawns this near barbaric yawn.looks at christ,cracks this huge smile and says "alright lord,who do we get to save today ".and jesus just smiles and thanks his father for the encouragement of his friend.
jesus didnt try to accomplish his mission alone he had backup. now the disciples were lucky cause they got to work with christ.we dont get to physically walk with our lord,but since we children of God ,walking with each other is as close as we can come to walking with jesus. having christian friends to help,edify and strengthen you is so so so important. some call it accountability(thats a nugget all in istself).some call it mentoring,discipling,and many other things,i see it as our brothers helping us get to the goal christ has before us,people who can encourage us,lift us up when burdens become heavy,that will help us rcognize sin in our lives when we are too blind to it,to see.. "two are better than one,because they have a good return for their work,if one falls down his friend can help him up.,but pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.though one may be overpowered,two can defend themselves,a chord of three strands is not quickly broken" ecclesiastes 4:9,10,12 this summer i had some awesome friends in a group called dps(if your curious ask more) i leanred accountabilty,and how strong youi can be when you have friends that help you.i grew leaps and bounds and even though i dont see these guys regularly, im still stronger than ever. i still look fro friends to help me grow in christ.and to find them is truly an awesome thing. but of course just like all good things satan will try to ruin this.
AUthor david wardell says that satan specifically attacks christian relationships in "division,then sepration,then isolation" if you are strong in christ and with the
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