
Christ Consciousness

written by: Brother Andrew

    Everyday we need to practise the art of ‘Christ Consciousness’! Where does this awareness come from? Well since the response comes from the Father Who created you, it is His Will that is at work here! This awareness will not allow us to contemplate any kind of imperfection or disorder, for His Perfection will be supreme in our minds when we know God is at work. He is now bringing about the Perfect Everything that you so desire and He requires you to be receptive and receive His Love in abundance.

    Everything that has ever come into your life has done so because you have accepted it. This fact is not only true of material benefits but spiritual blessings as well. In the same way that you accept a gift from a friend and express your gratitude, it is vital that we acknowledge its receipt to God. Only then does it truly become our own. When something belongs to us it becomes ‘our property’ and you can own whatever you can accept as being yours! I am not necessarily referring to an expensive car or a large bank balance although the same law applies. I am considering such things as good health and your spiritual well being, happiness and friendship. The things that really matter that money cannot buy. Christ told us not to invest our cares in material things because they are temporary, far better that we invest our time and energy in loving God and all His Creations.

    Your health and spiritual welfare are God’s concern and He offers ideally suited blessings to you. Now begin to accept them as yours. Personalise the gifts from Heaven and make them your own, and remember to thank the Father. Gifting is an interactive pursuit where the gift is given by one and received by another. It is often said that it is far better to give than to receive because nothing can ever be received without the action of giving! That is a simple yet provocative statement yet it is a fundamental truth.

    Father, I give myself unconditionally into Your Care. Your Will be done for I am Your Channel. Thank You Father for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon me I accept them as my own and I will use them to the best of my ability. I accept all that You give as a Blessing from Heaven to benefit others as well as myself so that I may glorify You Name forever. Amen


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