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The Air I Breath written by: christel woods Your words are like chisel
Speak to me
I'm of hard molten clay that has been reproached by years stubborn, as sin unrepented.
This holiness that You wish to see, this holiness that you say is in me, speak to me that these forms of granite, and non repentance falls.
Touch my hands that once held life, that once held Yours, remind me of the sweetness of the softness of You.
Earth has proclaimed a love vile, and defiled; but innocence comes from the beginning, not from youth.
We walked in the beginning, both You, Creation, and I. You took my hand and led me. Now that atmospheres, stars, lies, and demons of false teachings say this never was, even in my sin I missed You. The sin that seperates me from You. I longed for a truth that could not be attained with sin. And yet you stood still and waited. You didn't move, nor did Your eyes look to something less patient craved, buy Your eyes were steady and saw me and loved me where I was. My knees knows no time, my heart can't groan the right cry, but You are closer than both of these; my Creator, my Husband, my Father, my Strength, my Lord, my Lover, my Wisdom, my Joy, my El Shaddi.
How is it, that looks so recognizeable though worlds might seperate us, they hold no contention in our dreams, yet time defers, and life is still a gift. I search my life for eyes like Yours.So now I walk this earth, seperated from heaven, but still and an heir of the inheritance. A love renewed that had to be found. You taught me to seek by standing still. You taught me to love by dying to my own. And I heard You speak by the bowel of my cry, Your peace overtook that lie. Hold me in the depths of Your heart, like we were once again in heaven, look upon me with those eyes that no one esle can see me with, to which i KNOW that I am Yours. Through song, dance, prayer, and fast, with supplication, and works befitting repentance, and with youth committed to holiness and not of vigor, but truth in all things, and in all thy ways I will acknowledge You.
For you are so much more than my Alpha and Omega, but my middle, my intermission, my start ups, my ignorance unfounded, my fears which crumbled, and my hesitations which became dance. You are the air I breathe, the stir in my soul, the pillow chaser, the tear enhancer, the only reason for a longing heart. You are the air I breathe. You are heaven, you are God, You are everything, and everything worthwhile to me. My stutters can't contemplate long enough, my songs can't imitate Your beauty, and my prayers, my prose don't even touch Your glory. You are God, and I am desperate for You. |
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