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Turn Back To Jesus(canceled) written by: Brandon Phillipians 2:21- "For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ."
It's sad, but this is how a lot of people are today. What's even sadder, is that this is how a lot of Christians are today. They are busy, going to ball games on Wednesday night, causing them to miss prayer service, which is the most important service a church can have. Christians gathering together and praying for their needs. But a lot of churches don't even have these services any more, because no one will come. Homework gets in the way. A job keeps you too late. Wait a sec.. What am I saying?? These may be the reasons for some people, but I believe the main reason, is that Christians, just don't care anymore.
Let me share this with you, just 1 or 2 things that have been saddening my heart the last couple of months.
My cousin, walked the isle in church, got Baptized, and joined the church. After he did it he said the devil couldn’t hold on to him any more. A few days later, the devil got his hold on him again. And now, about 4 years later, still has him. Cursing, pornography, stealing. Just a few of the things he is involved in. I see it every day, and it hurts my heart to see him, and people just like him, that have professed to be Christians, living a life completely opposite from what the Bible tells us to.
Ephesians 5:1 says “Be imitators of God”. Would God walk into a store, pick up something, stick it under his coat and leave? NO!!! Would God have an affair with a woman, (or even a man in these days)? NO!!! Would God curse and backtalk his parents? NO!!! If God wouldn’t do any of these things, why do we. Christians are no longer living a life pleasing to God, because they just don’t care.
Mark12:30-31 tells us the greatest commandments: to Love God completely and put him first, and to love your neighbor as yourself. But do we care?? Nope!!
We just go right ahead and work on Sunday, putting our job before God, just so that we can have a few extra bucks. The Bible says to provide for your family. A lot of people have to work on Sunday to do that. But the Bible says to put God first. If it means losing your job, then so be it. You might not agree with me. But if you put God first: above your family, above your job, above everything else; he says he will provide for you.
Instead of spending quiet time in prayer with God, we’re too busy surfing the web, or watching that television show that we just CANT miss. Prayer is not an option for Christians. According to 1 Thessalonians 5:17, it is a command.
Exodus 20:7 says do not take God’s name in vain. But I see it every day. And it is a problem for me. I do it all the time. A teacher makes me mad by assigning more work because of one trouble maker, and I get mad!! GOD!! or GOSH!! I’ve never used it with a curse word, but I hear his name used in one about 50 times a day. Peo |
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