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“HOME is where our feet may leave, but not our hearts...” Oliver Wendell Holmes.
* A Real HOME is a Business Concern -
Order is a housewife’s hobby. But order without system is a harness without a horse. There should be order in the home, and each person should have a place that he or she can call his or her own.
* A Real HOME is a Cooperative League -
Households flourish where the interest of each is made the interest of all.
* A Real HOME is a Forum -
Honest, open discussion of life’s great problems belongs originally in the family circle.
* A Real HOME is a Gymnasium -
The ideal of a healthy body is the first one to give a child.
* A Real HOME is a Haven of Refuge -
The world does this for us all: It makes us hunger for a loving sympathy and a calming, soothing touch.
* A Real HOME is a Health Resort -
Mothers are the natural physicians.
* A Real Home is a Lighthouse -
A lighthouse reveals the breakers ahead and shows a clear way past them. The home helps the child to understand the love of Christ when His love is shown in the lives of the parents.
* A Real Home is Playground -
Beware of the house where you “dassen’t frolic” – there mischief is brewing for someone. Play Games together and stress fair play. Dominoes, Anagrams, Checkers, Chinese Checkers, Jigsaw Puzzles, Monopoly. The family that can’t play together will find it hard to work together and harder to pray together.
* A Real HOME is a Secret Society -
Loyalty’s to one’s family should mean keeping silent on family matters — just this and nothing more. The home when it is Christ-centered gives the child freedom from anxiety and fear.
* A Real HOME is a Temple of Worship.
Worship as a family, and as individuals should be practised. Opportunities for Christian service should be given to the members of the home. I learned how to live from the tone of my mother’s and father’s voice in daily prayer and inward trust.
* A Real Home is a Workshop -
Pity the boy without a kit of tools or the girl without a sewing basket. They haven’t learned the fun of doing things – and there is no fun like it. The members of the home should create and enjoy beauty.
Deuteronomy 6: 6,7 (NIV) - “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
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