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“Let God have your life; He can do more with it than you can.” That is what I read in my devotions this morning.
Have you ever been just minutes too late for something? You are running for the bus stop, only to see it pulling out seconds before you get there. Now you have to wait a half hour for the next one, which will make you late for your appointment, or for work, or for school. You go to a store to buy something that was advertised as on sale. You get to the shelf and it is all gone. You ask a clerk and she says, “Oh, I am sorry. You are too late. The last one was just sold minutes ago.” You go to apply for a much needed job, but you are told the position was just filled by the last applicant.
Being too late for something can bring on feelings of desperation and frustration. But just supposing God had been too late in the following situation? Of course, we know God is never too late. He always comes through with His promises just on time.
Hebrews 11:17 & 19– “By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotton son,...Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead.”
Genesis 22:1-14
“I delight to do thy will, O my God:” I am sure that is what Abraham said that morning when he got up. The day was bright and beautiful, but Abraham was quiet. He knew what he had to do, and although he trusted God completely, he dreaded the task ahead. He would have done almost anything to get out of it, but he knew he must go through with it. He went out to the barn, saddled up his donkey, called two of his young men servants to help him gather together the wood for the sacrifice. This was nothing unusual for Abraham. He took these trips all the time. But this time it was different. He was taking his son, Isaac, with him.
The Bible doesn’t give us Isaac’s age, but it is hinted that he was no longer a child, but not yet a man. I imagine that he was likely somewhere in his late teen years. Regardless of his age, Isaac went willingly with his father. In fact, I would guess he was excited, even though Abraham had not told him where they were going, to make their sacrifice. It was a three day trip. When they were within sight of the place God had instructed Abraham to go, he told the young men to stay behind to watch the donkeys and all the provisions they would have taken with them. “My son and I are going on further to worship.” He took the wood for the sacrifice, and laid it on Isaac. Then he picked up the torch for the fire, and the knife, and they continued their journey to
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