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Remember To Be YOU written by: Hart Dowd Remember To Be You
Remember to be you when the storms of life surround you.
Remember to be you when others try to define you.
Remember to be you when others try to lead you.
Remember to be you when God calls your name.
How else could you answer that you are here and listening to Him?
Remember to be you.
Remember to be the "you" God created.
Think of yourself in the terms of what you will be.
The difficulties of the present time will not last.
In Christ,you are victorious. Do not let a defeat define you.
Defeat does not last.You are a winner.
In Christ, you are kind.
Do not let the harsh words that have come out of your mouth in the past
define how you look at yourself now.
Your words will be kind and right in the eternity to come.
Think on that and be the way you will be in eternity, in the present time.
When you fail simply look again to Jesus. He is the author of your faith.
So turn to Him. He is the One Who is re-creating your heart.
So open your heart to Him.
Christ knowsyou in this present time and still loves you.
Enjoy being loved by God and enjoy the knowledge that the "you"
in eternity will be the " you” in this present time, but all the hurts,
pains, and imperfections will be gone.
Be you with the quiet power that only God can give.
source unknown
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