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MOTHERS AND SONS- A Quiz written by: Helen Dowd MOTHERS AND SONS- A Quiz
Example. (4 letters) was Adam and--------------‘s son. Genesis 4:2
Ans. Eve was Abel's mother. Genesis 4:2 (Read in reverse)
Eve/Abel (for the baffled, the plain answer can be found at the very end.
1. (7 letters) was David and _______________ 's son. II Samuel 12:24.
2. (7 letters) was Elkanah and _____________'s son. I Samuel 1:20.
3. (6 letters) was Jacob and _________ 's son. Genesis 30:22-24.
4. (5 letters) was Jacob and __________'s son. Genesis 29:35
5. (4 letters) was Boaz and ________ 's son. Ruth 4:17.
6. (8 letters) was David and _________ 's son. I Kings 1:5.
7. (7 letters) was Ahab and __________ 's son. II Kings 8:26.
8. (7 letters) was Abraham and-----------------‘s son. Genesis 16:15.
9.(8 letters) was Saul and ------------------‘ son. I Samuel 14:49-50.
10. (7 letters) was Esau and ___________ 's son. Genesis 36:4.
ANSWERS: Read the names in reverse. Or, if your are still baffled, see below for the interpretation.
1. II Samuel 12:24: abehshtaB was nomoloS 's mother.
2. I Samuel 1:20: hannaH was leumaS's mother.
3. Genesis 30:22-24: lehcaR was hpesoJ 's mother.
4. Genesis 29:35: haeL was haduJ 's mother.
5. Ruth 4:17 htuR was debOwas mother.
6. I Kings 1:5: htiggaH washajinodA's mother.
7. II Kings 8:26: hailahtA washaizahA's mother.
8. Genesis 16:15: ragaH was leamhsI 's mother.
9. I Samuel 14:49-50: maonihAwas nahtanoJ'smother.
10. Genesis 36:4: hadA was zahpilE 's son.
ANSWERS: for the baffled.
1. Bathsheba/Solomon
2. Hannah/Samuel
3. Joseph/Rachel
4. Judah/Leah
5. Obed/Ruth
6. Adonijah/Haggith
7. Ahaziah/Athaliah
8. Ishmael/Hagar
9. Jonathan/Ahinoam
10. Eliphaz/Adah
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