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On The MOUNTAINTOP With GOD--A Quiz written by: Helen Dowd On The MOUNTAINTOP With GOD–Quiz
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth."Psalm 121:1
"Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place?"Psalm 24:3
1. When the Israelites were about to possess the land of Canaan, they were to give blessings to what mountain?..........Deuteronomy 11:29
2.. When the Israelites were about to possess the land of Canaan, they were to give curses to what mountain?..........Deuteronomy 11:29
3. On what mountain did Elijah prove the power of God in a contest with Baal worshipers?...I Kings 18:19.
4. On what mountain did Aaron die?...................................................Numbers
5. From what mountain did God allow Moses to glimpse the promised land? Deuteronomy 34:1
6. On what mountain did Solomon build the temple?.........................II Chronicles 3:1
7. Abraham took Isaac to which mountain to offer him up for a sacrifice? Genesis 22:2
8. What was the name of the mountain on which God gave Moses the Ten Commandments? Exodus 19:2, 3.
9. On what mountainside did Jesus give the Beatitudes? (The Sermon on the Mount) Matthew 5:1
ANSWERS:To On the Mountaintop with God Quiz
1. Deuteronomy 11:29 When the Israelites were about to possess the land of Canaan, they were to give blessings to: Mount. Gerizim"
2.. Deuteronomy 11:29 When the Israelites were about to possess the land of Canaan, they were to give curses to: Mount Ebal."
3 I Kings 18:19-- Elijah proved the power of God in a contest with Baal worshipers on: Mount Carmel.
4. Numbers 20:22 Aaron died on Mount Hor.
5. Deuteronomy 34:1--Moses saw the Promised Land from Mount Nebo.
6. II Chronicles 3:1--Solomon built his temple on Mount Moriah.
7. G
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